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  • Cryogenic applications: Cooling largest outer-space telescope

    In his presentation on cryogenics applications at the IIR-AFF centenary conference in Paris (see Focus), Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR's Section A, mentioned cryogenic detectors of cosmic signals and cited Herschel probe as an example. The...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • Monitoring of temperatures

    The Commission Regulation (EC) No 37/2005 of 12 January 2005 on the monitoring of temperatures in the means of transport, warehousing and storage of quick-frozen foodstuffs intended for human consumption was published on January 13, 2005 in the...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • Rare earths for spatial measurements.

    Researchers from ECA-INAC developed a small cryorefrigerator, replacing liquid helium by a more efficient rare-earths based material.

    • Publication date : 2014/11/27
  • Rare earths for spatial measurements

    Researchers from CEA-INAC developed a small cryorefrigerator, replacing liquid helium by a more efficient rare-earths based material.

    • Publication date : 2015/05/06
  • Always closer to absolute zero

    NIST physicists have cooled a mechanical object to a temperature below the so-called “quantum limit.”

    • Publication date : 2017/06/29